A synchronicity can be defined as the meaningful coincidence of an inner image with an outer event, which can often let one see the world in a new light, especially if one responds very deeply, with the full involvement of his or her being to the meaning of the event.

Have you ever asked a question out loud to someone and then, with precision timing, had the question answered by your TV? Or had the other person respond with the exact same response as the TV did at the exact same time? Did they notice, or did only you notice? Some people often recognize this as one of those situations where you both say some oddball thing at the same time and follow it up with a “Jinx!”. Then you think to yourself, “Isn’t that funny we said the same thing at the same time? And what an odd thing to say.” Sometimes it is an obvious thing, a natural reaction because you know someone so well or because it is a common joke or popular saying. Sometimes it is a strange coincidence… or so you think. This is called a synchronicity. It is a sort of connection, a sign, to let you know that you are connected. Think of it like plugging into the Matrix. You have an ability to check into the Universe and receive messages letting you know you are tuned in and on track with the direction you are heading in with your life. If they stop happening, you got off track, you pulled the plug.

If you are scholastically interested in synchronicities look up the work of Carl Jung. He is known as the founder of analytical psychology. Jung defined the concept of synchronicity as two simultaneous events that occur coincidentally, that are not causally related but result in meaningful connection.

So yesterday my girlfriend and I were having a conversation. She told me that she was explaining to her boyfriend how things are going with me in my life. In regards to my life coaching, she explained that things have been falling into place for me and then explained what life coaching is and what I am doing. So he, being a fisherman, made it a comparison to giving a man fish or teaching a man to fish. My role is to help people do better for themselves.

Then today I am reading this lovely book, “Diary of a Psychic: Shattering the Myths” by Sonia Choquette, and I get to this chapter I just could not put down until I finished it. It was a cute story about how she manifested, then met and married her soul mate. In this chapter she talked about how her psychic work was going during her romance. Then I read this: “The difference between a psychic reading and a psychic class was the difference between giving a client a fish versus a fishing pole.” I am synchronized. It’s a fantastic book. If you’ve ever desired to learn more about psychics or just get a better sense of your own abilities, this is a must-read. She shares her life story and through that you are able to identify your own life lessons.

    1 Response to "Synchronicities and Their Meaning"

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