There is no room for God in him who is full of himself.
– Hasidic saying

I am in awe of the new perspectives available to me. It has become apparent that if you hold onto something, a stubborn idea, or a preconceived notion, that there us no way to allow for anything else to come in. You must step outside your idea long enough to allow a different perspective or course of action to affect you. This will send your thoughts down a different path, even if just for a little while to explore other options.

This can be seen in people who insist their way is the right way, the only way, even after the truth comes out and they find they were wrong. In that case those people will go out of their way to justify their thoughts and actions in an effort to defend their previous behavior. I think we’ve all done it. Some of us learn from this and become more open and honest with ourselves. Then in turn we are more willing to hear others. Some of us will be defensive to the death!

So where do you fit in? Honestly.

Universally yours,

Think and learn!

Hasidica member of a sect founded in Poland in the 18th century by Baal Shem-Tov and characterized by its emphasis on mysticism, prayer, ritual strictness, religious zeal, and joy.

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