People who are in situations where they feel lost and don’t know what to do need only pay attention to the signs in their life for direction. Whether or not you believe in a spiritual realm or a higher power, we can all relate to the feeling of knowing whether or not a situation feels “good” or “bad”. You might even have past experiences to base your next decision on, and yet, you still choose the same path. You know when you are making excuses to follow through with something you know is wrong for you. How many times have you asked someone for their opinion, gotten it, disagreed completely, and followed through with the action anyway? Why did you ask in the first place? Chances are you asked because you wanted just one person to agree with you so you could proceed feeling supported. In the end, you really don’t care what they say, you go through with it anyway, even though you know it may not have the best outcome. You were hoping for something to happen that you were trying to force, despite all the signs and common sense.

So why do people do things they know might not be good for them? Why do we stay in the same jobs that make us unhappy? Why do we stay in relationships that don’t fulfill us? Because we are afraid, we stop believing in ourselves. Without trusting ourselves we have no guarantee that everything will turn out fine. This is too much for most people to handle, so they would rather keep doing what they are doing. Mediocrity is oddly comfortable. Imagine how good success feels!

I’ve learned to follow my signs. I stop, take a moment, see how it feels, look for a sign from the Universe and patiently wait. Sometimes it is immediate, sometimes it takes a little bit of time, but I ALWAYS know what to do now. The best part is I always feel supported. Sometimes I get hard proof of another realm watching over me and sometimes I just know to trust it is there and follow my vibes. In either case it is something I am so passionate about that I want to teach others how to be this comfortable with themselves. It doesn’t happen overnight, but it starts to feel like it, very quickly. We learned to be stressed and overworked, we weren’t born that way. We used to dance without caring who was watching. We used to laugh hysterically just because we felt like it, not that anything hilarious happened. Now its time to learn how to be balanced and live the life you know you deserve. Trust that you are loved and will always be OK so long as you go with your gut.

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