I feel I’ve been a life coach all my life. When I was a child I had a lot of friends that were attracted to my energy. I don’t necessarily recall giving advice, but I was a good listener and would reply with an other worldly positive attitude. Somehow things always worked out for the best and I was always able to make others believe that until it became true.

As I got older I became life experienced and seemed to learn lessons rather quickly. When I started seeing other people making mistakes I had already made, it seemed natural and easy to convey the familiar feeling and share how I’ve overcome things. This gave people comfort and the feeling of not being alone. Sometimes all we need is support to feel comfortable enough to shine again.

Being immersed in my life coaching classes, books, lectures, conversations, and self-reflection have opened me up to more than I thought was possible. I always knew I would be an eternal student of life as well as institution. I didn’t know how much more, and how quickly, I would be able to become a better person. By better I mean happier. I am more relaxed, less stressed, more understanding, more patient, and a far better listener. I am more of the best parts of me, which makes me better able to be there for others.

I can’t wait to be able to better show people how to live the life they know they deserve.

Universally yours,


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