I heard someone talking about trusting your guidance. You know the saying, “Let go and let God”? She said this in regards to asking God and the angels for help with something, anything, and trusting it will be done: Don’t worry about the how’s, just enjoy the wow’s.

This is exactly how everything in my life feels right now. This excitement I have kept in my life is for the last few years just keeps growing and growing. It has grown so much that I want to teach it to others, and this is why I have become a coach. Everyone needs to re-learn this. We all had it, have it, and forgot how to use it. I got mine back and want to share with others!

Last night I had come down to the eleventh hour and needed to tell my life coach what I want to work on today for our next discussion. Everything has been going so nicely in my life that I had a hard time deciding. I knew I was too scattered in all my excitement to decide on one topic I need help with.

In an effort to hone in on something I went into my meditation room, took a moment to breathe and ask my guides for assistance in choosing a topic they think I need the most help with. The result was a fantastic reading I gave myself with my card deck. It made it simple to find that one word to use with my coach as a focused starting point for how I feel and what I would like to be coached on. It was also funny because it made sense for me to work on balancing the excitement around my coaching business and play time in my personal life. You have to have a good balance of both and mine is slightly off. I need not feel guilty doing something fun just because I still have other things to do. I will always have other thngs to do, that’s how I roll! This is what makes my life exciting. I am always on a new adventure, just going where I am guided to, and learning and having fun along the way.
The cards I used are the Soul Coaching Oracle Cards: What Your Soul Wants You to Know. By Denise Linn. She is an author and healer and made this awesome deck for all to use. You can purchase them here: http://www.amazon.com/Soul-Coaching-Oracle-Cards-Wants/dp/1401908004
You can also visit her official website and become certified in doing readings: http://www.deniselinn.com/About-Denise.htm

So keep it simple, the next time you need something to happen, ask for help and trust you will be helped in a way that suits your highest good. Don’t question how it will happen. Just know it will. Trust me, it always works if you just relax!

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