The below excerpt is from Michael David Robinson's post on Facebook 1/1/2013 (full text below). He is the fiance of dubbed "Angel Lady" Doreen Virtue.
To summarize, he was talking to men
My grandmother is experiencing some very uncomfortable health issues. I say prayers to help alleviate pain, I ask God and her guides to be with her and help her, especially
I've missed blogging and someone reminded me it must be done! Not that they told me to blog, but because my soul needs to release this inner yumminess!I have been
I had an opportunity to coach a peer recently. I did not know her last name at the time, but the way we worked together was magical. She received clarity
I heard someone talking about trusting your guidance. You know the saying, "Let go and let God"? She said this in regards to asking God and the angels for help with
A synchronicity can be defined as the meaningful coincidence of an inner image with an outer event, which can often let one see the world in a new light, especially
I am almost finished with my life coaching class time and am moving into hands-on coaching hours and a research paper topic. This time has been very exciting for me
My grandma has a new gardener. I knew she was excited about him, but I didn't know it was such an emotional experience for her! The previous gardener didn't do