My grandmother is experiencing some very uncomfortable health issues. I say prayers to help alleviate pain, I ask God and her guides to be with her and help her, especially at night when she’s sleeping. During sleep we connect easier to the other realms because we release our judgments and everything is acceptable to us. Nothing is impossible.
I asked my guides to please let me know who is with my grandma. I knew receiving an answer would comfort me. I patiently waited. That night I had a dream. I was dressed in, what I perceived to be, an old timey candy striper outfit. I was looking down at my feet and the bottom of my dress, moving up towards my chest I realized it was an apron type design. I looked up and another woman was standing there wearing the same outfit. I looked around and noticed we were in a hospital setting with a nurses station to the left of me. She said, “Let’s go.” Then she turned and walked away and I followed her.
Because I believe we receive help and healing when we sleep I keep a dream journal. I use the Evernote ( app to dictate it on my cell phone and it types it out for me so I can either read or listen to my dream later. If I wake up in the middle of the night I can hit a button real quick, dictate, and be back to sleep in less than a minute. In order to remmeber my dreams I set the intention and say to myself every night before I go to sleep, “I will remember my dream when I wake up.” A few days of this affirmation and I am set in less than a week. Intention is everything in your life!
Ask and you shall receive! Just pay attention to the signs.
Comfy Crystal
1 Response to "The Dream Nurse"
Helped me a lot, just what I was looking for : D.