I couldn’t find my car keys one morning. I spent an hour and a half looking. I was now very late for my day job. It was just one key with an alarm. Deciding I need to leave, I called someone to come pick me up. 

While I waited, I decided to meditate and asked my guides to help me find the key so I could tell my rescue person that the plan has been aborted. I couldn’t instantly recall the name of any one angel who helps you find lost items, so I just asked for general angel help.

In case I went too deep into meditation, I grabbed everything I needed to walk out the door and put it next to me so I would be ready when my ride came. I sat down and I asked quietly in my head for my angel team to help me find my key. I had to forget what I was thinking about. It was no longer serving me to recall all the places I had already searched. Those moments had passed. 
I waited for something… an idea, a word, a nudge… then I heard it. A sound popped into my head. It was a memory I had from the day before. When I came home I dropped the key!  But where? I continued to listen. Nothing else came up, so I got up and started down the hallway waiting for something to happen. 
I intended on going back to the garage to retrace my steps and then I walked into my bedroom! I stood there wondering why I was there. I was by the night stand, so I decided to look there. I noticed a little blue piece of paper under the corner of the bed. I got down on my knees and grabbed the paper to throw it away. I started to get up and stopped. Why am I still on my hands and knees? I turned my head, looked under the bed, there was the key.
The key was where I never would have looked. Just like so many other times in life, things were not where I looked, rather they were waiting for me to relax, listen, and be there for me when I was ready for them. The key was to ask my angels for help and to recognize the presence of Source.
Locked in,
Comfy Crystal

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